Germany 2001





As a young man I collected stamps and was always intrigued by this one.



At last, here was the real thing. To me it always represented the wealth and power of the Medieval Hanse, the German merchant fleet.


When I was there in 2001, I heard of this project and looked for the warf, but could not get to it. 350 people had worked to build this ship in the course of five years (1999-2004). The image is linked to the project pamphlet.


These ships were floating fortresses. Pirate ships and especially early on, Vikings, had no chance against this style of ship. Archers would dominate the battle from up high.


The trading routes of the Hanse merchant fleet.


The Lübeck Cathedral
Note the building date, 1594, and another side of the City Hall (Rathaus)



The amazing city hall (Rathaus)


And look what they did. The work had started when I was there, but this is a great restauration and worth another visit


I took this but can't figure out what it was. I suspect the backside of City Hall


I also think that what I captured here is the dormer that you can see in both pictures, above and below



Someone else toolk this shot. Finally, someone noticed the same building, but also did not reference it.


Couldn't pass this doorway up



Walking back from town toward the Holsten Tor


Before long I was on the train to Copenhagen and crossing a wide stretch of water by ferry
A place to kick back and rest before the next destination demands one's full attention


I do love all types of ships and boats



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